Sadly, August officially means summer is coming to an end. It’s crazy to think that I’m gearing up for my final first day of school… ever. Normally, when school supply commercials start playing on television, I feel an impending sense of dooooooooom.
In order to combat this horrifying feeling and to lessen the blow of the end of the summer, I’ve teamed up with some great companies to bring you guys FOUR weeks of giveaways. Each Saturday during the month of August, stop by here to see what’s being given away!
Marley Lilly sent me the laptop sleeve last semester so I had a chance to do a real test drive with it. I had been donning a simple pink sleeve before, but this one is definitely College Prepster worthy.
Available in either the pink swirls (the one pictured on the website is mine) or green zebra! Both sleeves are just too cute and will brighten up your time spent in classes. The sleeve is designed for 15″ laptops. However, I have a 13″ macbook and still use it. I find that the extra room is great for storing a spiral notebook, my agenda, and my hardrive. Having the extra storage means my backpack is a bit more organized!
Required: “Like” Marley Lilly on Facebook and follow College Prep using Google Friend Connect.
Additional entries:
1 entry: Post about this giveaway on your blog! Please include the URL in your comment.
1 entry: Tweet about this giveaway. (Please include @collegeprepster, @marleylilly, and a URL to this blog post in your tweet.)
Please comment ONCE and let me know which entries were completed.
Note: Anonymous comments will not count. Please login using the Google Friend Connect account that is following College Prep.
This giveaway ends Friday August 12 at noon.
Good Luck!!!
PS Marley Lilly is currently running a “roommate special” on the site! Use CollegePrep at checkout and get free shipping on orders over $85!
1. I "Like" Marley Lilly on Facebook 2. I'm following College Prepster using Google Friends Connect 3. Tweeted about the giveaway tagging @collegeprepster and @marleylilly (@Mlgilling)
1) liked Marley Lilly on Facebook and follow College Prep with friend connect 2) Tweeted giveaway tagging @collegeprepster and @marleylily (@LoveMohr 3) Reblogged via
i liked Marley Lilly on Facebook, i followed College Prepster on Google Friend Connect, & i Tweeted about the contest and tagged both College Prepster and Marley Lilly (@KattClaire)
1) I like Marley Lilly on Facebook and follow College Prep 2) I posted about it on my blog 3) I tweeted about it @lstratton2
Tonight we achieved the impossible! @wishbonekitchen’s swamp soup received a “no notes” stamp of approval from Mike 🙌🏻 it’s filling, healing, and so fresh! Highly recommend!!! 💚🌿🪀♻️🦖
If your goals for 2025 include reading more and having better habits, @audible audiobooks are about to be your best friend! I love listening to audiobooks, especially when they help me become a better person, wife, friend, mom, etc. January is the perfect time to dive into one and cross two of your goals off at once. I’m listening to Mel Robbins’ Let Them Theory and it’s blowing my mind– “let them” is such a simple phrase and yet the impact is POWERFUL. Right now, eligible new subscribers can sign up to get your first 3 months of #Audible for $0.99/month! #AudiblePartner #amazoninfluencer @amazoninfluencerprogram
Can we bring this kind of outfit of the day video over to this app 👀 tell me if you like it or hate it- in light of everything, trying to experiment! If you want links to what I’m wearing, leave a comment with “OUTFIT” and I’ll send it over!
Sorry for the jump scare… but go ahead and add “great at multitasking” to my resume 😆 is it habit stacking or just survival mode? Every morning, I’ve been doing a red light session with my @omniluxled face mask, while listening to an audiobook, and I spend the 10 minutes tidying up. I make the beds, put laundry away, straighten up the boys’ toys… I always feel on top of the world and like I can do anything 😆
I’ve been hesitant to add new skincare products to my daily routine because I don’t want to disrupt my healthy skin… I tested @oakessentials skincare line though and it’s now a staple in my weekly routine. I’m using these three 2-3x a week (the night before hair wash days!) and my skin is SO moisturized and hydrated!!
(Why has no one been using this song for this trend? Literally all that I hear whenever I see another “ins and outs” trend 😆)
My 2025 Ins & Outs:
IN More freedom, firmer boundaries Silver Red as a neutral Spontaneous lunch dates Photography Redefining perfection Silk scarves Going to the movies Trying new hobbies Luxurious showers
OUT Sticking with a book I’m not enjoying Letting my car be a mess Guilt around sweet treats Unnecessary people pleasing The comparison game Staying up too late Over complicating things Holding in emotions
I Like Marley Lilly, I follow and I Tweeted
I follow and I liked Marley Lilly on FB 🙂
Liked Marley Lilly, followed and tweeted!
I like Marley Lilly and follow 🙂
I like Marley Lilly and follow!
I like Marley Lilly and follow 🙂
I like Marley Lilly and follow.
I blogged about your giveaway:
I tweeted as well! @alliegutshall
I liked Marley Lilly and I follow you using Good Friend Connect!
[email protected]
I liked Marley Lilly on fb 🙂
I like ML on facebook and I'm a follower! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I liked Marley Lilly on fb & am a follower using Google Friend Connect! : )
I liked Marley Lilly and follow on GFC.
I also tweeted about the giveaway from @lovealamode!
PS blogger is being lame and won't let me comment using my Google account?
I like Marly Lilly and I am a follower!!
I am a follower and like (but really love) Marley Lilly on Facebook.
I liked Marley Lilly on facebook, and I'm a follower!
1. I liked Marley Lilly on Facebook
2. I follow College Prep
3. I blogged about the giveaway (
4. I tweeted! (_amanda_bowers)
I am a follower!
1. Liked Marley Lilly
2. Followed 🙂
3. Blogged:
4. Tweeted! (@jenwoodard)
1. I "Like" Marley Lilly on Facebook and follow College Prep using Google Friend Connect
2. I posted about this giveaway on my blog!
3. I tweeted!!/thenameisbri
CP Follower
"Liked" Marley Lilly on FB
Tweeted! @burbsandburgh
I like Marley Lilly on Facebook
I am a College Prep follower
I tweeted about this super cute giveaway (@CaitlinM00re611)
I liked Marley Lilly and I follow!
I like Marley Lilly and follow of course!
I follow college prep and like marley lilly on facebook!
1. I "Like" Marley Lilly on Facebook
2. I'm following College Prepster using Google Friends Connect
3. Tweeted about the giveaway tagging @collegeprepster and @marleylilly (@Mlgilling)
1. I "like" Marley Lilly on Facebook and follow College Prep with friend connect
2. I posted about this giveaway on my blog:
3. I tweeted about this giveaway: @KLRsouthernlove
1) liked Marley Lilly on Facebook and follow College Prep with friend connect
2) Tweeted giveaway tagging @collegeprepster and @marleylily (@looper_3)
I like Marley Lilly and follow your blog with Google Friend Connect
I liked Marley Lilly on facebook and followed with Google Friend Connect.
I tweeted about the giveaway: @nubilikeapuma
1) liked Marley Lilly on Facebook and follow College Prep with friend connect
2) Tweeted giveaway tagging @collegeprepster and @marleylily (@LoveMohr
3) Reblogged via
– I like Marley Lilly on Facebook and I follow your blog with Google Friend Connect.
– I posted about the giveaway on my blog:
– I tweeted about the giveaway on twitter @sydneyleep
1. Like Marly Lilly and follow CP
2. Tweeted about the givaway! @verbie38 🙂
thanks carly!
heyy 😉
i liked Marley Lilly on Facebook, i followed College Prepster on Google Friend Connect, & i Tweeted about the contest and tagged both College Prepster and Marley Lilly (@KattClaire)
I liked on Facebook and followed on Google Friend Connect!
I also posted on my blog, –
I tweeted! @JanieSargent – I also followed both @CollegePrepster and @MarleyLilly!
I liked marley lilly and i follow :)!
Liked, followed and tweeted <3
I liked Marley Lilly.
I follow.
I tweeted (@aHb2012)
I like & I follow 😀
I liked Marley Lilly and I follow.
Liked Marley Lilly on FB
Following you on GFC as Ashley Brooke
[email protected]
I liked, I follow, I tweeted (@wanderinganthro), and I posted on my Tumblr (
So cute! I like ML on facebook and follow your blog.
I like ML on facebook and follow and tweeted! 🙂
I liked ML on Facebook and follow your blog 🙂
I follow and I like ML on facebook : )
[email protected]
i like marley lilly and follow!
I follow your blog
I like ML on Facebook
I tweeted about the giveaway!
[email protected]
Sara Haga Gore
Liked ML on Facebook and blogged about the giveaway (
[email protected]
I 'liked' MarleyLilly and I already follow you!
-Abigail Wright-Geddes
Liked them on facebook, follow you on GFC, tweeted about it (@agracelamb) and blogged about it:
So that's the required plus the 2 extra!
Thanks Carly!!
I follow and I liked Marley Lilly on FB
I follow College Prep and I like Marley Lilly on Facebook.
I like marley lilly on facebook and I follow your blog via gfc!
I liked Marley Lilly, followed College Prep, and tweeted about the giveaway 🙂
Hi Carly,
love the giveaway!
I liked, I followed, I posted and I tweeted!!
xoxo, Liz
twitter: lizmsharp
I like Marley Lilly on Facebook and I follow College Prep!
I also tweeted about it and blogged about it here:
I'm a follower and I like/love marley lilly on FB
1) I like Marley Lilly on Facebook and follow College Prep
2) I posted about it on my blog
3) I tweeted about it @lstratton2
1. Like Marley Lilly and Follow you :)!
2. Blogged about this
1: I liked Marley Lilly
2: I follow you
I liked Marley Lilly on Facebook. I followed you 🙂 I blogged about the giveaway on my tumblr.
I liked Marley Lilly on Facebook and I followed you, I also tweeted about it on @sarahjanetate thanks! very cool giveaway!
I liked Marley Lily on Facebook <3
i liked marley lilly and friend connected. i also tweeted @duritsch. 🙂
I liked, followed, blogged your post:
and tweeted your giveaway aka @JBieberCash 🙂
I follow, I like, I tweeted (@hilaryrose), and I blogged!
I like Marley and Lilly on facebook. I follow you. I tweeted about the giveaway and I blogged about the giveaway on my tumblr ..
Thanks!! You do the best giveaways!
1. I liked Marley Lilly on FB
2. I follow College Prep.
I like Marley Lily on Facebook and I'm a follower!
I blogged about this here:
i liked marley liley on facebook and im a follower.
I also tweeted about you: @laneyloooo
and i posted about you on my tumblr blog:
I like Marley Lilly, and I am a follower.
I tweeted about it @rachelsederberg
and I posted it on my tumblr!
I like Marley Lilly and I am a follower.
I tweeted about it @annahecksher
I liked Marley Lilly and I followed you on friend connect!
I like Marley Lilly on FB and follow College Prep!
I liked Marley Lilly on FB, I followed you on friend connect and I tweeted about it @JessicaCToro!
I liked Marley Lilly on FB, thank you!
I like Marley Lilly on FB and follow your blog.
1. I follow College Prep
2. I like Marley Lilly on FB
3. I posted about your giveaway:
4. I tweeted about it @skb3frog.
I like Marley Lilly on FB and I follow College Prep!
Already like Marley Lilly on FB and follow you!! Thanks for offering this!
I like Marley Lilly on Facebook, I follow College Prepster, I blogged about it (here:, and I tweeted (@Gabberella796)!
i like marley lilly on FB and follow your blog
I like Marley Lilly on fb, i follow your blog, and blogged about it
Oh I would love to be entered! I just adore the pink case. I already like Marley Lilly on Facebook, I'm a follower of your blog, I blogged about it ( and I tweeted about it (@legalpreppy), xo C
1. I liked Marley Lilly on facebook and follow your blog, of course!
2. I tweeted about this giveaway (@kateelmes)
Thanks for another GREAT giveaway!
I liked Marley Lilly on facebook and I follow your blog
I tweeted about the giveaway (@annehazlett)
1. I like Marley Lilly on faccebook and follow your blog.
Thank you!
I like Marley Lilly now on facebook and follow your blog! I also tweeted about it (@tuchristen)
I actually already "liked" marley lilly on facebook a long time ago, so I went ahead and connected with google connect and also tweeted about this and posted on my blog!!
This is such a good idea. Perfect timing too, I desperately need a new laptop sleeve.
1) I like 'Marley Lilly" on facebook.
2) I follow 'The College Prepster" on facebook.
3) I gave you a little shout out on my blog.
I love giveaways!!
1) I like 'Marley Lilly' on facebook.
2) I follow 'The College Prepster' on facebook.
3) I posted on my blog.
katie c
Thanks so much!
1.} I like Marley Lilly on FB
2.} I follow you!
3.) I posted this on my tumblr (
4. I tweeted about the giveaway
i liked Marley Lilly, i follow you, i posted this on my tumblr ( and i tweeted about the giveaway! (@laurstar)
i hope i win!!
I liked Marley Lily and follow the College Prepster. I also blogged about this giveaway at
I liked Marley Lilly on Facebook, followed college prepster on Google Friend Connect, and tweeted! 🙂
I liked, followed and tweeted (: