Are you ready for a photo overload? I’ve been walking around the neighborhood every chance I get now that spring is here. Every day the trees are a little bit greener and the flowers are a little bit brighter. I’m into it in a big way. Working from home was a lot easier when it was cold outside! Now I’m tempted to go for walks for breaks like… every hour. (Windows are always open in Chez Heitlinger.)
Now that Teddy’s leg is feeling better (omg you have no idea how relieved I am), he’s been accompanying me. I feel totally renewed inside and out. A healthy dose of Vitamin D and a few extra blocks of walking under my belt does the soul good. Really good.
… One day. One. Day.
Teddy and I love walking down Park Avenue. I like it because it’s pretty quiet in the morning (if you make it before the school crowd) and Teddy likes it because all the doormen love him and give him extra scratches behind the ears!
This blue door building is one of my favorites; it looks adorable from across the street. And the building next door? Normally a nondescript townhouse, but right now… FOUR STORIES of hydrangeas!
Oh, perfection. I think this spring is extra amazing because of that awful winter!
So gorgeous, I would love to live in New York someday!!
The first few days of spring in Beijing were amazing! but for the past three days, it's been terribly windy. Hopefully it'll die down soon, but meanwhile, I think I'll stay indoors to study for my finals! New York looks gorgeous, and it's awesome how much you're enjoying it! 😀 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's
Serious heart in my eyes as I looked through these. That third picture is pretty much where I want to live some day.
xo Kylie
Ahh these are honestly all beautiful, I wish there were flowers were I was, I am so sick of this cold and rainy weather!
This makes me want to take a long walk around my apartment complex this morning! It also makes me want to move to NYC even MORE!
Fabulously Unprepared
There is nothing better than walking around a city in the spring. I lived in Beacon Hill in Boston for years and I did that every Sunday morning. The only thing missing was an adorable dog! Glad yours is feeling better!!
We still haven't gotten spring. These pics are making me jealous. Highs in the 50s today in Upstate NY 🙁
So pretty!! Love all the colorful flowers…Boston is looking pretty dreary lately because of all the rain.
A College Confession
How gorgeous! Wish our flowers had popped back up here – until then I will have to live vicariously through photos! The tulips and hydrangeas are my favorite!
So many pretty colors! Glad Teddy is feeling better!
Beautiful colors! I'm happy Teddy's feeling much better
It's so nice to (finally) see the flowers blooming!
Omg I am so jealous right now! I wish I could just leave my apartment and see all this. Great pictures though! Please post more 🙂 Glad Teddy is better
Love those photos! San Antonio skipped Spring and went straight to Summer. It is 95 degrees today!
Love the Park Avenue flowers – I was just there the other day and took almost the exact same picture! Beautiful photos!
xoxo, Allie
Flowers are hands down my favorite part of spring, though my allergies make me hate them so sometimes 🙂
Lovely lovely pictures, as always! x
The Misadventures of Morgan
Do you do all your own photography for your blog or do you have somebody who does it for you? Your pictures are always so beautiful!
These photos are beautiful! I love that last picture!
It's only been two weeks (when you posted this) since you posted that Teddy needed to be on crate rest for a full month. PLEASE be more careful with your dog's health! At his young age, the growth plates aren't fully cemented, and he can suffer serious, lasting damage if you aren't an advocate for his health. He really shouldn't be walking all over the city and being subjected to the stress of flying after an injury. Animals can't speak for themselves, so you have to speak for them – please do a better job of speaking for Teddy.
I love this! It is so pretty there right now and I am dying to take a trip to Hew York!!! What did you take these pics with? They are good!
Living vicariously through your New York posts. I could cry over how pretty these pictures are :')
Toodlebelle's Blog
NYC in the spring is absolutely the best! So beautiful with the flowers in bloom. Although fall in NY is just as wonderful!
What kind of camera do you use, Carly?